April 2013 Ofsted
“Students’ progress in the sixth form is good. They leave school with above average grades, all going on to education or training of their choice, many to popular universities. Extremely positive sixth-form student attitudes as well as effective teaching enable this success.”
“Students greatly value the additional support teachers provide out of lessons. Sixth-form students in particular remarked upon their teachers’ commitment to them, always making themselves available to re-explain ideas students find difficult, ensuring that they have a good understanding of the work and relevant examination specification requirements.”
“Teachers’ subject knowledge is a major strength. Staff are enthusiastic about students achieving academic success in their subjects so they often challenge and motivate them well, maintaining a good pace to learning.”
“Staff-student relationships are generally very good, facilitating effective learning and the development of confident young people.”
“Behaviour and attitudes of students in the sixth form are exemplary.”
“The sixth formers conduct is excellent.”